A police report has been filed against a video that a 17-year-old Amos Yee has put up on YouTube, Yahoo Singapore has learned. The report was filed by student Yuen Wei Ping. In his statement, he stated that Amos' video "made insensitive comments against the late Mr Lee. In the eight-minute long video titled "Lee Kuan Yew Is Finally Dead!", Amos says that the late "Lee Kuan Yew is a horrible person because everyone is afraid that if they say something like that, they might get into trouble."
I think it's very rude and discourteous to put such a video in public. I believe all of the Singapore should grateful for the effort that his has done for his nation. Although we are not familiar with him as close as we know our families, but we should still respect him.
Lee Kuan Yew, the first Prime Minister of Singapore was passed away on 23 March 2015. Thousands of people lined the street on 29 Mar for the State Funeral of Mr Lee. And many artists have done some graphics of Lee Kuan Yew in order to remember him. These are the most popular two graphics that I found. I think they can let people to convince of the sad emotion. They are strong enough to encourage people to respect the great man and remember what has he done for this beautiful nation.